Eastmoor Swim and Tennis Club has 335 family memberships. New members are invited to join when existing members decide to resign their membership. Interest in the club is high, and currently there is a 5+ year wait list of applicants. Please don’t let this discourage you from reaching out to us!
To join the wait list, just purchase the non-refundable deposit. You will receive a follow-up email with further questions. Your family’s position on the wait list will be held when the deposit is received. The deposit will be applied to your initiation fee when membership is offered.
Upon becoming an Eastmoor member, you must pay a one-time initiation fee, payable in equal installments over your first two years, and the Club’s annual dues. Eastmoor’s Board of Directors establishes the initiation fees and dues each year as they develop the Club’s operating and capital budgets. The Board may increase the fees and dues to provide sufficient funds for the necessary expenses of operations, proper maintenance and improvements of its facilities.